Friday, May 11, 2012

The Enemy by Charlie HIgson

How are you all doing now? In the final quarter of this lovely and educational year I read and recommend the book The Enemy by Charlie Higson. "The Enemy grabs you by the throat...and bites off your ear. It's kids versus zombies and no one is playing nice. The action-and boy, is there action-takes us through a London transformed by the unexplained illness that has turned every adult into a shuffling, drooling, kid-crunching machine. Bonus: zombie royals." Is what Michael Grant said about it. Your first thought is probably awesome and a little scary. You are absolutely correct. It is about a post apocalyptic London. Everybody on Earth above the age of fourteen either died or worse turn into a zombie. Most of the kids of London went either to Waitrose or Morrisons, the supermarkets nearest to them. They stay alive by going out of the sanctuary of the store to search for food and kill dogs who have been infected. It starts out with Small Sam, a main character, getting kidnapped by zombies, another character getting killed by zombies, and Arran, another main character, getting bit by a zombie. Then there are two plots: one is about Small Sam, who was the kid who got taken, and him getting back to his group and the other is about the people in the supermarkets getting a visit from Jester, a kid in a patched coat, telling them to go to the Buckingham Palace where a bunch of kids are and life is much better. They go with the strange kid and make their way across London fighting “adults” AKA zombies, crazed monkeys, and more zombies. Will they get across London? Will Small Sam find his way back to his friends? Only way to know is to read this 448 page science fiction novel. Also a reason to read is that this book has a map. I really liked this book. It had a lot of action and adventure. The characters were very brave, or they were very manipulative and power hungry, both things characteristics make the book interesting to read. Amazon said, “Full of unexpected twists and quick-thinking heroes, The Enemy is a fast-paced, white-knuckle tale of survival in the face of unimaginable horror.” I agree totally with that statement. Charlie Higson also wrote Happy Now, Full Whack, Getting Rid of Mister Kitchen, King of the Ants, Young Bond series, The Fear, The Dead, Monstroso. The Enemy have not won any awards. It is for people 14 years and up, and I would say not for the faint of heart. A quote from this book is “Standing in the corridor was a large plastic bin on wheels. He looked inside. Empty tins of dog food. That explained the spaghetti with meat sauce. Oh well, he'd eaten worse.” I picked this quote from the book because it shows how bad they are and a bit of what they are going through. I would say this book is a lot like the Gone series by Michael Grant. In both the kids have to survive by themselves. Also both text has a great amount of gory details. I also think in this book Charlie Higson is a lot like Michael Grant. I think this because they usually have a lot of characters in their books. They both wrote books from a young adult perspective. This is a breathtaking story that will keep you reading until it is done. Hope you read it because I can’t say it enough it is a really awesome book. It is also okay if you read it just to look at the map. Recommended by Carl Schneider

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